Welcome on my homepage.
Teaching (mostly in Polish)
- Numerical analysis (pol. analiza numeryczna)
- Algorithms and data structures (pol. algorytmy i struktury danych)
- Biometric methods (pol. metody biometryczne)
- Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (pol. modelowanie zjawisk przyrodniczych)
Office hours
I am used to be on every Tuesday from 10:15 to 12:00 (room 240).Please, contact me and check my schedule before you visit me.
You can book some appointment slot here.
Some work of mine
- publications - my papers with citation lists
- rafalnowak.pl/wiki - implementation of many algorithms and data structures
- informatyka.rafalnowak.pl - website about my didactic experience with prodigies at Gymnasium and High School
- Portal Przedmioty - my own course management system (entirely in Polish) created in PHP/Javascript/MySQL